1) Legal Notice
This website is the property of the company ANDRE ROLAND SA, registered with the Swiss Commercial Register under number CHE - 112.280.982, whose registered office is located in Avenue Collonges 21, 1004 Lausanne, Switzerland, with the following coordinates:
Tel.: +41 21 321 5000
Fax: +41 21 321 6000
E-mail: contact@andreroland.com
The publication director of this website is Mr André Roland, in his capacity as Managing Partner of the company ANDRE ROLAND SA.
The company that hosts this website is Swisscenter, a functional division of Groupe Openbusiness S.A., Avenue de Gratta-Paille 2, 1018 Lausanne, Switzerland, registered with the Swiss Commercial Register under number CHF-107.030.439.
This website provides information about the company ANDRE ROLAND SA and it is the property of the company ANDRE ROLAND SA.
The information provided on the website does not constitute an advice from the company ANDRE ROLAND SA and does not entail the establishment of any contractual relationship between the user and ANDRE ROLAND SA.
No message or information on the website can be considered solicitation or commercial offer or offer of services or products.
The company ANDRE ROLAND SA provides links to other websites. These websites are independent of the website www.andreroland.com and the company ANDRE ROLAND SA neither publishes nor controls the sources, contents of these websites or their links with other websites.
The company ANDRE ROLAND SA makes every effort to provide users information and/or tools available and verified, but cannot be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of information, presence of a virus on the website and/or any damage whatsoever originating from a connection to this website that the user performs under his/her sole responsibility.
The general structure of this website and the content included therein are the exclusive property of the company ANDRE ROLAND SA. The total or partial reproduction of any element published on this website, without the consent of the company ANDRE ROLAND SA is illegal. All copyrights of works reproduced on this website are reserved.
2) Privacy Policy
The company ANDRE ROLAND SA, in order to comply with the legislation (General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (DPA)), has adapted its practice in terms of processing and conservation of data.
The company ANDRE ROLAND SA undertakes to respect your privacy and to treat your personal data in the strictest confidentiality in accordance with the GDPR and the DPA.
Also, this website, as it was originally designed, is not intended to collect personal data on its visitors.
Are collected and used only personal data strictly necessary for the purpose for which they are processed, only for the purpose of providing our services and send you information to improve our services and inform you of changes in matters of laws and practices related to or connected to intellectual property.
The company ANDRE ROLAND SA only communicates your personal data to authorised and determined recipients.
Employees and subcontractors of the company ANDRE ROLAND SA have access to your data only to the extent necessary for the accomplishment of the relevant purposes.
In accordance with the GDPR and, to a certain extent, to the DPA, you have the rights of access, rectification and deletion of your personal data, which you can exert by sending an e-mail to contact@andreroland.com.